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General Sales terms & conditions of Hyva Group

English version



1.   海沃集团的这些一般销售条款和条件(一般条款)适用于作为产品销售商的海沃集团(海沃)任何公司与其买方之间的所有订单、与之相关的协议、修改和相关的补充。只有在书面明确同意的情况下,才允许对这些一般条款的任何偏离、使用海沃的任何本地条款或适用买方标准条款。

2.   通过向海沃下订单或与海沃签订销售协议,应视为买方已接受一般条款。

3.   由于海沃产品的性质,大多数海沃客户被认为是专业客户,即作为其经济活动(贸易、商业、工艺、自由职业)或法律实体范围内专业人员的自然人。如果买方是适用法律范围内的消费者,即他们的行为超出其经济活动(贸易、商业、工艺、自由职业)的范围,那么这些一般条款适用于不限制或不与适用的消费者保护法所给予的保护相冲突的范围。

4.   只有在买方下订单且海沃确认接受订单后,海沃的提案才对海沃具有约束力。

5.   买方仍受买方订单的约束。对于订单中与海沃提案内容背离或增加的内容,海沃在书面接受后仅受订单中相应说明和条件的约束。

6.   文件、图纸、规格、重量和性能应被理解为一般标志,对海沃不具有约束力



1.   根据国际贸易术语解释通则 2020,除非另有书面协议,否则价格应为出价或订单确认书中所示的 Ex-Works 海沃工厂或海沃仓库。保险、特殊包装、运输、组装和安装以及其他附加费用及其中固有的风险,以及任何关税或税费应单独报价,由买方承担。

2.   在材料或能源价格或其他制造或采购成本上涨、关税或税收增加、官方汇率变动或产生其他在签订合同时无法预期的费用的情况下,海沃保留合理提高产品商定价格的权利,即使在该订单被海沃接受之后。根据要求,海沃应在接受订单后向买方提供价格上涨所增加成本的证明。

3.   除非另有约定,海沃应在发票之日起 30 天内收到付款。如果不符合此条件,将导致买方违约,而不需要海沃发送默认通知。

4.   任何在保修期内提出的损害或赔偿要求或针对海沃的索赔均不应暂停买方的支付义务。

5.   从付款到期日至实际付款之日计算,废物处理产品延迟付款的延迟利息应为每月 1%,卡车起重机和卡车和拖车零部件产品延迟付款的延迟利息为 0.5%。此类延迟付款利息将自动到期,恕不另行通知。这一利率也适用于第二章第 5 款所述和产生的所有费用。

6.   海沃为收取任何未付款项而产生的所有法律和额外司法费用应由买方承担。

7.   海沃拥有的、属于(共同所有权)买方的任何产品,应视为结算买方欠 海沃的所有金额的担保。

8.   如果海沃有合理理由怀疑买方的财务信誉,海沃有权立即要求付款并在收到付款之前暂停履行约定义务,或立即终止单,无需进一步通知和/或司法干预。



1.   海沃应尽一切合理的商业努力按时交货。但是,海沃所说的交货时间是指示性的,不具有法律约束力。

2.   交货时间的计算应从海沃接受订单后的第二天开始。

3.   如果出现延误,买方无权获得任何补偿或取消订单。同时,海沃承诺在过度逾期交货时与买方进行详细磋商。

4.   根据 Ex-Works 国际贸易术语解释通则,交货地点应为海沃的工厂或仓库,除非以书面形式同意另一个交货期限和地点。所有运费以及与之相关的风险应由买方承担。

5.   当产品可以发货或收取时,海沃应通知买方。如果买方未能在海沃通知后 3 个月内收取产品,海沃有权向买方收取仓储费用。

6.   在向买方通知产品已准备好交付时,或者从产品离开海沃的工厂或仓库的那一刻起(以较早者为准),海沃应被视为已履行了交货义务。即使由于海沃无法控制的情况 i) 组装产品的功能,尽管并非所有零件都与组装产品一起交付,或者 ii) 不属于海沃供应链流程的第三方未能完成预期的任务,而未获得所需的主管部门同意,也应视为海沃已履行交付的义务。

7.   有关产品、服务和发票的投诉应在买方收到产品后的两周内提出。




1.   海沃根据海沃保修条件(“标准保修”)或海沃延长保修条件(“延长保修条件”)的条款和条件提供对产品材料和工艺缺陷的保修,分别登录 www.hyva.com.cn 网站获得。

2.   标准保修期为自首次使用产品之日起的十二 (12) 个月。延长保修仅在明确表示的情况下适用,且仅适用于某些产品,对于所有需要链钩、货叉、机械臂或其他在地面或车体上产生推力的配件的操作,延长保修期为自产品首次使用之日起一 (1) 年(或运行 1,000 小时),结构部件的延长保修期为五 (5) 年(或运行 5,000 小时),所有其他零件的延长保修期为 三 (3) 年 (或运行 3,000 小时)。

3.   制造商的保修条款适用于海沃销售的第三方产品。

4.   保修严格限于维修缺陷或更换有缺陷的部件,或根据海沃的决定更换产品本身。在法律允许的范围内,海沃明确拒绝对产品安装和拆卸费用、车辆或产品停机、更换费用、运输或进口费用、收益或利润损失、因海沃产品造成的任何损害、和/或过高或不合理的人工成本等承担任何责任。

5.   在海沃保修条件或海沃延长保修条件第 II 段所述情况下,保修范围将无效或不适用。



1.   交货时,丢失和损坏的风险即从海沃转移给买方。建议买方为所有这些风险适当投保。

2.   退回检查或维修的产品由海沃拥有,但由买方承担风险。海沃不会为这些产品提供针对任何风险的保险。



1.   对于由于 i) 不可抗力事件和/或 ii) 买方未能遵守买方与海沃之间现有协议或本一般条款中规定的义务而导致的任何损失或损害,海沃概不承担责任。就本一般条款而言,不可抗力应包括战争、全国罢工、内乱、火灾、洪水、流行病、第三方和政府当局的行动造成的延误、天灾或任何无法控制的其他合理原因。

2.  如果不可抗力事件持续超过三 (3) 个月,海沃有权暂停或终止协议,或者在没有协议的情况下,海沃有权暂停或终止与买方的商业关系。为了这些目的,书面通知即可。买方无权基于这些理由获得任何赔偿。终止时,海沃有权获得在不可抗力事件期间发生的费用补偿。

3.   由于这种不可抗力事件而妨碍或延误履约的缔约方应立即通知另一方,并尽力防止这种延误或违约情况的发生。



1.   买方承诺对因买方操作、使用、销售或拥有产品或与产品的使用或操作有关的其他索赔而引起的或与之相关的任何伤害、损失、损害、成本、费用、判决、和解或其他费用进行辩护、赔偿并使海沃免受损害,除非是由于海沃的重大过失或故意造成的。

2.   本一般条款中的任何规定均不得限制或排除海沃因其疏忽或其人员疏忽、欺诈或欺诈性失实陈述而导致的死亡或人身伤害的责任;或海沃排除或限制其责任的任何事项。

3.   海沃不对任何间接、特殊、后果性或纯经济损失或损害、任何利润损失、预期利润或储蓄、收入或商业机会损失或者商誉损害向买方承担责任,无论是在合同、侵权行为(包括疏忽)、虚假陈述、违反法定义务还是其他方面的责任。



1.   交付给买方的所有产品应保留为海沃的财产,直到海沃收到所有应付款项的全额付款,包括但不限于组装、安装和交付费用。在全额付款生效之前,买方必须谨慎对待产品,并自费根据产品的替换价格为其可能遭受的损失和损坏投保。

2.   买方应通知海沃其财务状况的任何恶化情况,这可能影响其遵守约定义务的能力。


3.   保留所有权的产品不得作为担保转让给第三方,也不得进行转让、租赁或以交换、委托销售或作为担保或以任何其他方式从公司处所移除。

4.   如果买方对保留所有权的产品进行加工、组合并与其他产品混合,使其无法分离,则海沃应按保留所有权产品的发票金额比例,对最终产品拥有共同所有权。

5.   买方应配合海沃采取的措施,以保管保留所有权的产品。如果发生扣押,买方应通知执达主任,如果发生破产,则通知接管人海沃对各产品的所有权。

6.   海沃有权保留买方为维修或组装目的退回的产品或海沃拥有的、属于买方(共同所有权)的任何产品,直至买方履行对海沃的所有义务。



1.   海沃必须以书面形式接受买方取消订单。如果海沃以书面形式同意取消订单,海沃可要求买方购买海沃为履行买方订单而购买的所有材料,无论这些材料是否已被使用,价格为成本价加上产生的人工成本和商定价格的 10%。

2.   如果取消,买方应赔偿海沃因取消而造成的汇率损失。

3.   在取消的情况下,买方应保护海沃免受因取消而可能引起的第三方索赔。







1.   未经海沃事先书面同意,任何由海沃编制的图纸、文件和装置,包括但不限于量规、印章、模具、试验设备和工具、成本核算、计划、草图、图纸、尺寸和重量报表、目录、图像或任何其他文件(材料)均不得复制、仿制或展示给第三方。所有此类材料都应为海沃的保留财产,无论买方是否已付款,并应在海沃首次提出要求后立即将其连同所有副本退还给海沃。

2.   海沃的声明和信息,以及作为待测产品预期输出而进行的试验的计算和结果,均不是海沃的义务。提供的产品可能与此类声明、计算和结果有所偏差。即使海沃以书面形式要求提供特别商定的数据,也应允许与一般公差有轻微偏差。




1.   当组装活动在海沃或海沃指定的第三方场所之外进行时,应由买方承担风险和费用。买方应始终遵守法律健康和安全要求,向海沃提供必要的帮助、材料和设备以及住宿可能性。旅行和住宿费用应分别向买方收取。

本一般条款第 4 章中规定的海沃保修条款和条件应适用于所有组装活动。




延迟或不履行第 2.3 条规定的买方付款义务,或者第 2.8 条规定的买方财务状况严重恶化,应授予海沃在收到书面通知后且不受司法干预的情况下立即暂停执行订单的权利,直至付款已得到充分保证或终止订单。这些权利不影响海沃可能拥有的任何其他权利,海沃也没有义务作出任何赔偿。










第十五章:Hyva Digital Solutions

如果产品包含 Hyva Digital Solutions 产品中的任何一种,https://www.hyva.com/en/terms-of-data-use/ 上的数据使用条款将适用于任何 Hyva Digital Solutions 数据的处理,购买方是 OEM、经销商或其他中介机构在销售 Hyva 产品时。https://www.hyva.com/en/general-terms-of-subscription/ 上的一般订阅条款将适用于 Hyva Digital Solutions 产品的最终用户



1.   如果买方和海沃拥有相同的住所,则本一般条款应受住所国法律管辖并根据该国法律进行解释,不包括任何法律冲突规则。由双方之间的合同关系或协议引起的所有争议应仅提交给该国法院。

2.   在其他情况下,这些一般条款应受荷兰法律管辖并完全按照荷兰法律解释,不包括任何法律冲突规则。本条所述双方之间的合同关系或协议引起的所有争议,均应根据荷兰调解机构的调解规则提交荷兰调解研究所进行调解。调解应以英语进行。如果调解员放弃调解或以其他方式结束但没有解决争议,那么任何一方均可将该争议提交荷兰法院进行裁定(为此目的,当事各方特此服从荷兰法院的专属管辖权)。

3.   《联合国国际货物销售公约》不适用。



上次更新日期为 2024年1月30日



Section 1. General

1.   These General Sales Terms & Conditions of Hyva Group (General Terms) apply to all orders, agreements relating thereto, modifications thereof and additions thereto between any company of the Hyva Group (Hyva) that is acting as a seller of products and their Buyers. Any deviation from these General Terms, use of any Hyva's local terms or applicability of Buyer's standard terms is permitted only if explicitly agreed in writing.

2.   Buyer shall be regarded as having accepted the General Terms by placing an order to Hyva or by entering into a sales agreement with Hyva.

3.   Due to the nature of the products sold by Hyva, most of Hyva customers are considered professional customers, i.e. natural persons who are acting as professionals within the scope of their economic activity (trade, business, craft, liberal profession) or legal entities. If Buyers are consumers within the meaning of applicable law, i.e. they are acting outside the scope of their economic activity (trade, business, craft, liberal profession), these General Terms apply to the extent that they do not limit or are in conflict with the protections granted by the applicable consumer protection laws.

4.   Proposals by Hyva become binding on Hyva only after Buyer places an order and Hyva confirms the acceptance of the order.

5.   Buyer remains bound by Buyer's order. Hyva will only be bound by descriptions and conditions in the order which deviate from or add to the proposal made by Hyva, after written acceptance thereof.

6.   Documentation, drawings, specifications, weight and performances shall be understood as general indications and shall in no way be binding on Hyva.


Section 2. Prices and payment

1.   Unless otherwise agreed in writing, prices shall be Ex-Works Hyva factory or Hyva warehouse as indicated in the offer or order confirmation, according to Incoterms 2020. Insurance, special packaging, transport, assembly and installation and other additional costs and the risk inherent therein, plus any duties or levies shall be quoted separately and shall be at Buyer’s expense.

2.   Hyva reserves the right, even after the order has been accepted by Hyva, to reasonably increase the agreed price for products in case of increases in the price of material or energy or other manufacturing or purchasing costs, increased customs duties or taxes, changes to official exchange rates or other charges that were not specifically foreseeable at the time of entering into the contract. On request, Hyva shall provide Buyer with proof of the increased costs for price increases after the order has been accepted.

3.   Unless otherwise agreed, payment should be received by Hyva within 30 days from the date of invoice. Failure to meet this condition will cause Buyer to be in default without the need for Hyva to send a default notice.

4.   Any claim for damages or compensation under the warranty or for reimbursement from Hyva shall not suspend the Buyer’s obligation to pay.

5.   Delay interest for late payment shall be 1 % per month for waste handling products and 0,5% for truck-mounted cranes and truck and trailer components calculated from the payment due date until the date of actual payment. Such late payment interest will be automatically due without prior notice. This rate of interest is also due on all costs, described by and arising from clause 5 of this Section 2.

6.   All legal and extra judicial costs incurred by Hyva in order to collect any outstanding amounts shall be at the Buyer’s expense.

7.   Any products which Hyva has in its possession and which belong (in joint ownership) to Buyer, shall be regarded as a security for the settlement of all amounts Buyer owes to Hyva.

8.   If Hyva has reasonable grounds to doubt the financial credibility of Buyer, Hyva shall be entitled to demand payment immediately and to suspend the performance of any agreed obligation until payment has been received or terminate the order immediately and without further notice and/or judicial interference.



Section 3. Delivery

1.   Hyva shall make all reasonable business efforts to deliver on time. Nevertheless, delivery times stated by Hyva are indicative and shall not be legally binding.

2.   The calculation of delivery time shall start on the day after the order has been accepted by Hyva.

3.   Buyer is not entitled to any compensation or cancellation of the order in case of delay. At the same time, Hyva undertakes to enter into detailed consultation with the Buyer whenever the delivery time has been exceeded excessively.

4.   Place of delivery shall be the factory or warehouse of Hyva in accordance with Ex-Works Incoterm unless another delivery term and place is agreed to in writing. All shipping costs as well as the risks connected therewith shall be at Buyers expense.

5.   Hyva shall notify Buyer when the products are available for shipment or pick-up. Should Buyer fail to pick-up the products within 3 months after Hyva's notification, Hyva shall be entitled to charge Buyer the storage costs.

6.   Hyva shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligation to deliver upon notification to Buyer that the products are ready for delivery or from the moment that the products have left Hyva's factory or warehouse, whichever is earlier. Hyva shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligation to deliver even if the required consent of authorities has not been obtained due to circumstances beyond Hyva’s control  i) assembled products function, despite not all parts being delivered together with the assembled products, or ii) where a third party, not falling under Hyva’s supply chain processes, has failed to complete the expected tasks.

7.   Complaints with regards to products, services and invoices shall be lodged within two weeks after receipt of the products by Buyer.


Section 4. Warranty

1.   Hyva provides warranty for defects in product material and workmanship in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Hyva Warranty Conditions (“Standard warranty”) or Hyva Extended Warranty Conditions (“Extended warranty”) which are available at here and here at www.hyva.com.cn, respectively.

2.   Standard warranty period is twelve (12) months from the date of first use of the product. Extended warranty is applicable only if explicitly indicated and only to certain products and is one (1) year (or 1.000 hours of operation) from the date of first use for all operations requiring grabs, forks, manipulators or other accessories generating pushing forces on the ground or truck body, five (5) years (or 5.000 hours of operation) on structural parts and three (3) years (or 3.000 hours of operation) on all other parts.

3.   Manufacturer´s warranty terms shall apply for the third-party products sold by Hyva.

4.   Warranty is strictly limited to repair of the defect or replacement of the defective part or, at Hyva’s discretion, replacement of the product itself. To the extent permitted by law, Hyva explicitly rejects any liability for costs of product fitting and removal, vehicle or product downtime, replacement costs, transport or import costs, loss of earnings or profit, any damages caused by Hyva products and/or excessive or unreasonable labor costs.


5.   Warranty coverage shall be void or not applicable in cases indicated in section II of Hyva Warranty Conditions or Hyva Extended Warranty Conditions.  


Section 5. Risk

1.   Risk of loss and damage shall pass from Hyva to Buyer on delivery. Buyer is recommended to insure himself properly for all those risks.

2.   Products returned with the purpose of being inspected or repaired shall remain in Hyva's possession but at the risk of the Buyer. Hyva will not insure these products against any risk whatsoever.


Section 6. Force Majeure

1.   Hyva shall not be liable for any loss or damages occurring as a result of non- or late performance due to i) an event of force majeure and/or ii) Buyer’s failure to comply with the obligations set out in any agreement existing between Buyer and Hyva or these General Terms. For the purposes of these General Terms, force majeure shall include war, national strike, civil upheaval, fire, floods, epidemics, pandemics, delay caused by third parties and actions by government authorities, acts of god or any other cause that is reasonably beyond the control of the party.

2.   Where the event of force majeure lasts for a longer than three (3) months, Hyva shall be entitled to suspend or terminate the agreement, or where no agreement exists, the commercial relationship with Buyer. For these purposes, a written notice shall suffice. Buyer shall not be entitled to any compensation on these grounds. Upon termination, Hyva shall be entitled to reimbursement of costs incurred during the period of the force majeure event.

3.   The Party whose performance is impeded or delayed by such event of force majeure shall immediately inform the other Party thereof, and do everything within its means to prevent such a delay or non- performance.


Section 7. Liability

1.   Buyer undertakes to defend, indemnify and keep Hyva harmless from and against any injuries, losses, damages, costs, fees, judgment, settlement or other expenses caused by, related to or arising from Buyer's operations, use, sale or ownership of the product(s), or other claims, however arising, in connection with the use or operation of the product(s), unless caused by gross negligence or intent of Hyva.

2.   Nothing in these General Terms shall limit or exclude Hyva's liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence, or the negligence of its personnel, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or any matter in respect of which it would be unlawful for Hyva to exclude or restrict its liability.

3.   Hyva shall not be liable to Buyer, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation, breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any indirect, special, consequential or pure economic loss or damage, any loss of profits, anticipated profits or savings, revenue or business opportunities or damage to goodwill.


Section 8. Retention of Title

1.   All products delivered to Buyer shall remain Hyva's property until Hyva receives the full payment of all sums due, including but not limited to assembly, installation and delivery costs. Until the full payment is effectuated, Buyer must treat the products with care and adequately insure them at its own expense against loss and damage at replacement value.

2.   Buyer shall notify Hyva about any deterioration of its financial position which could affect its ability to comply with the agreed obligations.

3.   Products in which title is retained may not be transferred as security to third parties, alienated, leased or given in exchange, consignment or as a security or otherwise removed from the premises of the company in any other way.

4.   Where products for which title is retained are processed, combined and mixed with other products by Buyer to the extent that they cannot be separated, Hyva shall have joint title to the resulting product, proportionally to the amount of the invoiced value of the products to which title is retained.

5.   Buyer shall co-operate with measures taken by Hyva to secure the products in which title is retained. Buyer shall inform the bailiff in the event of a seizure or the receiver in the event of a bankruptcy, about Hyva's ownership of the respective products.

6.   Hyva shall be entitled to retain the products which Buyer has returned for repair or assembly purposes or any products which Hyva has in its possession and which belong (in joint ownership) to Buyer, until Buyer satisfies all obligations towards Hyva.


Section 9. Cancellation

1.   Cancellations from Buyer must be accepted by Hyva in writing. In case Hyva agrees in writing with cancellations Hyva may request Buyer to buy out all materials bought by Hyva for the performance of the Buyer's order whether those have been used or not, at cost price plus costs of labour incurred and ten percent of the agreed price.

2.   In case of cancellation Buyer shall indemnify Hyva against the losses on the exchange rate resulting from the cancellation.

3.   In case of cancellation Buyer shall safeguard Hyva from possible claims of third parties resulting from the cancellation.


Section 10. Packaging

Hyva provides standard packaging free of charge. Any special packaging shall be quoted separately and shall be at Buyer’s expense. Packaging shall never be returned to Hyva, nor will Hyva be held responsible for any subsequent use or disposal of the packaging materials.


Section 11. Ownership of Materials

1.   Drawings, documents and devices, including but not limited to gauges, stamps, moulds, test equipment and tools, cost-accountings, plans, sketches, drawings, statements of sizes and weights, catalogues, images or any other documents drawn up by Hyva (the Materials) may not be copied, imitated or be shown to third parties without prior consent in writing of Hyva. All such Materials shall remain the property of Hyva, regardless of whether the Buyer has paid for them, and shall be returned to Hyva immediately upon Hyva’s first request, together with all copies thereof.

2.   Statements and information by Hyva, as well as calculations and results of tests carried out as output to be expected of products to be measured, do not in any way oblige Hyva. Products supplied may deviate from such statements, calculations and results. Slight deviations from the usual tolerance shall be permitted even when Hyva has obliged itself in writing to specifically agreed data.


Section 12. Assembly

1.   Whenever assembly activities take place outside of Hyva or Hyva appointed third party premises, they shall be at Buyer's risk and expense. Buyer shall provide Hyva with the necessary help, materials and devices and lodging possibilities, at all times observing the legal health and safety requirements. Costs for travelling and lodging shall be charged to Buyer separately.

Hyva Warranty terms and conditions as specified in Section 4 of these General Terms shall apply to all assembly activities.


Section 13. Termination

Delay or lack of performance of Buyer’s payment obligation as provided in clause 2.3 or significant deterioration of Buyer's financial condition as provided in clause 2.8, shall entitle Hyva, upon a written notice effective immediately but without judicial interference, to suspend the execution of the order until payment has been  sufficiently assured or terminate the order. These rights are without prejudice to any other rights Hyva may have and with no obligation for Hyva to make any compensation whatsoever.


Section 14. Compliance

Parties shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations including but not limited to sanction requirements and export control regulations, anti-money laundering, bribery and anti-corruption, as well as the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act. If Buyer resells Hyva's products, Buyer shall comply with sanction requirements imposed, administrated or enforced from time to time by European Union, the United Nations Security Council and any other applicable sanctions authority. Hyva shall have the right to terminate any and all orders and agreements relating thereto if the Buyer does not so comply.


Section 15. Limitation

Buyer's rights of recourse against Hyva are restricted to the statutory limitations of claims and always provided that Buyer has complied with the obligation to notify Hyva of the defects without delay. 


Section 16. Hyva Digital Solutions

In case the products contain any of the Hyva Digital Solutions products, the Terms of Data Use available at https://www.hyva.com/en/terms-of-data-use/ shall apply for any processing of Hyva Digital Solutions data by the Buyer who is an OEM, a Dealer or other intermediary in the sale of Hyva products. General Terms of Subscription available at https://www.hyva.com/en/general-terms-of-subscription/ shall apply to the end-user of Hyva Digital Solutions products. 


Section 17. Applicable law

1.   If Buyer and Hyva have the same domicile, these General Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of that domicile country excluding any conflict of law rules. All disputes arising out of the contractual relationship or agreements between the Parties shall be exclusively submitted to the courts of that country.

2.   In other cases, these General Terms shall be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands excluding any conflict of law rules. All disputes arising out of the contractual relationship or agreements between the Parties as indicated in this clause shall be referred to mediation at the Netherlands Mediation Institute in accordance with its Mediation Rules.  The mediation shall be conducted in English.  If the mediation is abandoned by the mediator or is otherwise concluded without the dispute being resolved, then that dispute may be referred by either party to the courts of the Netherlands for determination (and for this purpose the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Netherlands).

3.   The UN Convention on International Sale of Goods shall not apply.


Last updated on 30 January 2024

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